martes, 11 de marzo de 2014



Lee las siguientes adivinanzas y escribe la respuesta. El Viernes en clase comprobaremos si has acertado.

Consigue un House Point por cada respuesta correcta.

I’m your uncle’s brother, But I’m not your uncle. What am I?

My hands are black, My face is pale. My head is hanging on a nail. What am I?

It is on your head, And under your hat. What is it?

It is round and yellow, It is like a ball of fire. It rises in the east, It sets in the west. What is it?

I can fly but I haven’t got wings. What am I?

I always come down, But never go up. What am I?

Tall and thin, Red within, Nail on top, And there it stops. What is it?

I am between mountain and valley. What am I?

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